Adios Twenty Nineteen

This year has passed by so quickly it was bit of a blur. But looking back, I managed to accomplish so much.

Laughably I was planning to post something every week in 2019. Clearly that didn’t happen in the end because either I had nothing to show or I was too busy with other projects. Plus, trying too hard to post something would just make the quality go down.

I had a cracking start to the year with releasing a couple of free games on ichio. These have been downloaded a bunch of times by people, so all the hard work didn’t go to waste. Really surprised if I’m honest as I thought barely anyone would play them! I’d like to revisit them in the new year to add a bunch of additional features and refined mechanics.

Other personal projects throughout the year include mainly 3D concepts. Which I’ll be continuing in the new year as they are a lot of fun to do and helps me practice different 3D techniques. Also it allows my creativity to go wild by creating stories behind the concepts.

This year I continued working for TV, by doing some animated graphics and childrens shows, which is always fun. Also I have dipped into interactive video, by dusting off my web code brain and tackling some interesting creative projects using my online coding knowledge.

However, for me the biggest milestone this year is not work related at all. It’s that I finally became a home owner in the later part of the year. All that saving and frugal attitude paid off, as I put my first step onto the property ladder. So most of my time has been away from personal projects, and spent sorting out house stuff, such as laying laminate and putting up shelves. I’m a very hands-on person, so I’ve been doing the DIY all by myself because I’ve discovered I enjoy it so much.

A great year and an intense decade! 2020 is looking sweet!

Posted 1 January, 2020